Words gone with the wind? What Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were saying about their love before the crisis

Affleck and Lopez have been on the cusp of divorce for weeks.

Words gone with the wind? What Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were saying about their love before the crisis

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s marriage appears to be hitting the rocks, making their comments from just months ago in the Prime Video documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told, even more heartbreaking to read.

It is a dramatic turn to events from 2020 when the pair seemed as though they were truly star-crossed lovers when they rekindled their love some 20 years on from the conclusion of their first relationship together, which ended just days before marriage.

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Jennifer Lopez and stepdaughter Violet Affleck enjoy a walk together

So, as they celebrated, or remembered, their second marriage anniversary on Tuesday, July 16, they’re currently living apart from each other and are frantically trying to sell their shared home as divorce beckons for the pair just years after they got back together.

But even months ago, it was not the same picture for them as Lopez insisted she had never stopped loving him and that they had found the same love they always had from when they were younger.

“We’re totally different people now,” Lopez began to cameras in the 2024 documentary. “[yet] we’re the same and we have the same love. 100%. I’d never fallen out of love with you. I had just put it over here.

“What he said and what he saw in me and what he made me believe about myself only comes from love. Because nobody else could’ve made me see that about myself. It’s very moving. I didn’t think much of myself and so the world didn’t think much of me. That lined up. This is how it is. See it. Believe it.”

The marriage is reportedly collapsing due to their differences in how they handle the media and paparazzi as well as Affleck‘s general demeanor, which is thought to be glum and sulky, whilst their work loads are also additional stresses.

Lopez, aged 54, admitted in the Prime Video production that she knows Affleck doesn’t like he is doing those things but that he wouldn’t stop her from doing it and does turn out to be very supportive.

“I don’t think he’s very comfortable with me doing all of this,” Lopez adds. “But he loves me, he knows I’m an artist and he’s going to support me in every way he can. He doesn’t want to stop me… But that doesn’t mean he’s comfortable being the muse.”

Affleck opens up on private struggles

It almost turned out to be a cruel joke that a talented actor like Ben Affleck would also turn out to be someone with such a distain for intrusion of privacy in a world where that is a money maker for journalists dedicating their lives to the entertainment field.

And even welcoming in Amazon Prime Video cameras for the documentary was something he was very hesitant against, before he realized it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be and admitted self-love is a hard thing to come by.

“I don’t really love being in the making-of documentary about my personal life,” Affleck told Amazon. “Which is why I’m relieved that… it seems like I might be in this but I’m not really.

“I was worrying for no reason. The movie wasn’t about me. It was about the ability to love yourself and that love story is a lot fu**ing harder to find than Prince Charming.”

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