Well done, brother: Hulk Hogan helps rescue teen girl from flipped car

FILE - Hulk Hogan sighted at the ITV Studios in London, England.

Hulk Hogan has long been a hero in wrestling circles, but his latest actions take his heroics far beyond the ring.

According to recent reports, the WWE legend sprang into action over the weekend, helping to rescue a teen girl from her car, which had flipped during a multi-car crash in Florida.

Hogan, 70, had reportedly been driving along a Clearwater highway with his wife and friend Sunday night when they saw a car flip after it was clipped by another vehicle, TMZ first reported.

The wrestler and his friend, Jake Rask, quickly hopped out of their car to respond to the collision. Reports say the pair were able to help the girl out of the wrecked vehicle by popping the car’s airbags with tools they had on hand.

Photos obtained by the outlet show Hogan and Rask with the 17-year-old girl near the vehicle, which was overturned on its roof.


Hogan’s wife, Sky Daily, posted about the crash on social media, saying the driver was shaken up but otherwise fine.

“Last night, after we left dinner in Tampa, we saw a car flip in front of us! I truly admire my husband @hulkhogan and our good buddy @jakerask for springing into action, puncturing the girls [sic] airbag, and getting her quickly out of the car,” she wrote, according to CBS News. “By all appearances, she was unscathed, just really rattled, which is an absolute miracle!”

Hogan’s representative, Linda Bose, confirmed to USA Today that the wrestler was among the first responders.

“It’s typical for Hulk, he has a big heart,” Bose told USA Today via email. “He helps and treats people with the highest respect.”

Hogan, who was recently baptized, posted about the incident to X (formerly Twitter), writing that he used a ballpoint pen from his Baptist church to help free the girl.


“The crazy part about the teenager that flipped her car was that without a knife to puncture the airbags to get her out, a Indian Rocks Christian ballpoint pen came in really handy to pot the bags, thank you God, all is well even now, Amen HH,” he wrote.

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