Tom Cruise required to pay for daughter Suri’s medical and College expenses

Suri wants to study fashion in NYC

Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise may end up being the one to heavily contribute to his daughter Suri’s college tuition, despite being estranged from her since his divorce from Katie Holmes in 2012. According to reports, Cruise’s child support payments are reported to total just over $33,000 per month, totaling around $400,000 per year. Along with that, he is required to pay for Suri’s expenses, including medical, education, college, and more.

While Cruise will have no say in the college Suri chooses, it seems likely that he will end up footing the bill. Suri is reportedly interested in studying fashion at prestigious schools in New York City.

However, her 18th birthday is coming up in April of next year, which means that Holmes will no longer receive the monthly payment from Cruise. There are several possibilities for how they will pay for Suri’s tuition, including Holmes saving up over the years or Cruise extending the payments until after she graduates.

Regardless of how they pay for it, we hope that Suri has an amazing time at college. It’s clear that she has a passion for fashion, and we can’t wait to see where her studies take her.

It’s interesting to note that despite their estrangement, Cruise has continued to provide financial support for his daughter. This speaks to the importance he places on education and the well-being of his children.

Is Tom quitting Scientology?

Fans have been speculating about Cruise’s relationship with Scientology and whether he may have left the organization for parenting reasons. While there is no concrete evidence to support this theory, it’s clear that Cruise’s relationship with his children is a top priority for him.

In the end, what matters most is that Suri has the opportunity to pursue her dreams and receive a quality education.

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