Jennifer Lopez’s latest drama: Children prefer to stay away from her

Children wary of media exposure

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Children wary of media exposure

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

JLo’s children are Emme and Maximilian, while Affleck has Violet, Seraphine and Samuel.

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Ben Affleck & JLo cruise on the Seine River with their children in Paris, France

Having famous parents can’t be easy, because all the time you are being watched under a magnifying glass.

That’s one of the main reasons why Emme and Maximilian, Jennifer Lopez‘s children, don’t want to spend a lot of time together as a family.

However, the artist herself explained that she is constantly trying to get her children to try to get along in the house they share together in Los Angeles.

According to Lopez in an interview for Vogue, sometimes Emme and Maximilian prefer to stay away from her.

The singer said that recently one of her kids wanted to go to the market, but they didn’t want her or Affleck to go with them because of the inevitable fuss.

“They said, ‘You know, it’s such a thing when you go, Mom.’ It hurt my feelings. I get it,” said Lopez.

“They want time with their friends when they aren’t being watched and followed and photographed.

“It’s a thing. Nobody’s complaining, but it’s a thing.”

In addition, Jennifer also stated that her new marriage was difficult for her children and had to be handled very carefully.

“The transition is a process that needs to be handled with so much care,” Lopez said.

“They have so many feelings. They’re teens. But it’s going really well so far.

“What I hope to cultivate with our family is that his kids have a new ally in me and my kids have a new ally in him, someone who really loves and cares about them but can have a different perspective and help me see things that I can’t see with my kids because I’m so emotionally tied up.”

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