As Female Solider Boards Plane, Man In First Class Stops Her And Refuses To Let Her Go By

On your every flight, you sure have a story to tell. There are just too many things happening especially during a long flight. You are lucky if you can afford a first-class seat.

But if you are tight on the budget, glad that you got a cheap deal on a coach ticket and stuff yourself in a seat large enough for a child, sometimes it’s just not fair when you pass by the first-class section with plush pillows and fancy cocktails.


Our brave servicemen and women are given the special treatment when they travel via air even if they do not spend any extra cash to deserve the royalty treatment. They truly deserve this because of their selfless service as they put their lives on the line for our freedom. However, it cannot be avoided that there would be jealous passengers.


Especially if they realize that they had paid a huge amount of money for something that these servicemen can get for free. Sometimes, these selfish individuals can go as far as causing a scene.

One instance is when a man noticed that a female soldier was hanging out in the first-class section without even purchasing her own ticket. This Army servicewoman quietly made her way to the back of the coach section. But then, she was physically stopped for moving forward by this man. The man stood up and left her completely confused by what he did next.


Obviously, the man didn’t want the flight attendants to offer her the top-of-the-line treatment from the airline staff. But a woman named Jessica Titus who is another passenger on the plane saw what this man did; eyeing the servicewoman for sitting in his part of the plane.


He surely had his own idea of what this servicewoman deserves to get and he will definitely let her know. Before the flight attendants can stop him, the man tried to grab the ticket from the soldier’s hand and asked:

“What does your ticket say.”

The soldier assumed that the man was upset for having a person in uniform take his territory without paying the right amount. The Army woman said, “What? No – I’m 31 B.” Now she knows that she is stuck in the very back of the plane and she is also sandwiched in the middle seat and this is going to be a long flight for her.

However, what Jessica saw next simply amazed her.

Contrary to what she initially thought of the man, he was not going to unleash his bad side after all! In fact what he did next was exactly the opposite. This is why Jessica decided to share this story with Love What Matters. She explained that during this Tuesday flight while she was walking down the jetway behind this woman in uniform, a man stood up from his 1st class seat and told her:

“Sorry ma’am, I’m in your seat.”

Jessica was so touched by what she saw so she decided to do a kind gesture of her own. She reached into her bag and wrote down a note and secretly passed it to the kind man with the help of the flight attendant. She wrote:

“Seat 31 B.

Please accept a drink or snack on me. If everyone treated people the way you treated the service-woman, the world would be a better place.”

The man politely declined this offer which is a true sign of a hero. Jessica then concluded her post by encouraging everyone to: “Do good, recognize good, and make the world better.”

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